Featured in the 2014 Fall Issue of Rambunctious
Rebuttal to a River Colin Howe, '16 There once was a river winding Eddies flowed too deep for most it seemed For her waters felt cold, As they grinded to bone, Her blackness concealed, by a moon’s glow shining off her curves The little jewels of hope, ever reflected Clouds came to cover the moon that night As always they did And the river was once again alone And cold Listening to the rain fall softly In time to the beat of her tears Each ghostly ripple Drifting for miles In a cacophony of silent sadness But the rain fell harder that night As never before it did Distant drums rang through The grey hills, bringing with them Brilliant flashes of green amongst the trees The drummer marches up to that river And its aura reaches deep into her soul illuminating a glorious gleaming blue So that river could be cold no more