Featured in the 2014 Fall Issue of Rambunctious
You are Ripping Me Apart & This is My Pitiful Attempt at Expression Jack Radford, '16 last time I was WANDERING through a field of tall grass I felt you pacing ENDLESSLY in my head, and brushing the walls WITH your warm skin but to NO avail, I haven't felt your touch in months and I miss it, I want to feel REAL again, I want my lungs to breathe I want my mind to REASON I want my ears TO capture the songs of the wind I want to GO to places I greatly fear and I want my HOME to feel real and comforting you hold me in the palms of your hands, MAYBE I'm comfortable enough there, but I don't know I SHOULD probably let go, I'll dangle from your fingers for a while, and I should STOP worrying about the landing, but maybe about FALLING helplessly into silence, how peaceful that would be FOR me. PEOPLE used to look at me kindly but now I've grown sickly and I don't think they know WHO I am anymore DON'T say that everything will be okay, it won't. everyone will GIVE advice that I'll forget in seconds and A big part of my life will be pretending that I'm not SHIT, that I'm not an entity of confusion but enough talk ABOUT me, I'd like to know about you, you don't miss ME, I know but how far IN to a book are you? what have you been listening to? THE lilacs are blooming again, your favorite flower the SLIGHTEST change brings beauty, I guess that wasn't what you thought of me.