Featured in the 2023 Winter Issue of Rambunctious
The Best Tara Thorne, '24 You drink white, I drink red Until we’re drunk enough to like each other I ask why you see red Everytime that we’re alone together Maybe we’re better dead But we’ll stay together ‘til our skin is leather I can wait until your dead Forever before I find another I remember what you said The night before you called my father Told me that what I said had Really changed the way you see “together” So if I’m trying a bit too hard, forgive the way my hands are shaking And if I walk a little bit slower, it’s only cause my back is aching Why do you try to clean my heart like it’s grass beneath the leaves you’re raking When will we finally learn our lesson that love is not ours for taking You’ll go out, I’ll stay in bed Miss you like I’m it's all I’m made for And wonder why I stay in bed When all you do is leave my heart sore Waiting for you to come home fed Put the food I made you in the refrigerator I’ll try to forget my body, I’ll eat nothing till you like it You’ll be gone, but I’ll still be yours, out of sight was never out of mind for me Maybe we’ll really last forever, that doesn’t mean we’re better for it I can wait for the tide to pull me back in soon I’m drowning I like that you don’t like me You never notice when my eyes are puffy You like when my stomachs empty, Means I’m hungrier for your love then You say I’m yours, but I’m still lonely I guess this is just the best I’m getting