Interested in submitting material to Rambunctious?
Submissions are collected through a Google Form, which is linked at the bottom of this page.
Unsure about submitting?
Here are some general guidelines and information:
- We review submissions of any genre: short stories, plays, poetry, prose, photography, drawings and paintings, sculptures, original music, and more.
- For mediums such as artwork and sculptures, please take a high-quality picture of your work to submit.
- Submissions are rolling. Submit at any time during the school year and we will review the material for the current or next edition of the magazine.
- We do not accept anonymous submissions. As a publication, our goal is to support student art and writing as well as the students producing it. Because of this, we want students to be proud of the pieces they submit and, therefore, we want them to allow us to attach their name to their pieces. By doing this, it shows us that what you’re submitting is something you believe is worthy of sharing with the world.
- The staff review of submissions is an anonymous process. Names for submitted pieces are seen only by the submissions manager until the pieces have been selected for either print or online publication.
- Our print editions are our most selective publications. The majority of submissions not chosen for print are still published on our website.
- If you have any further questions, please contact and we will respond as quickly as we can.