Featured in the 2016 Spring Issue of Rambunctious
A Garden Amanda Henderson, '16 Here we have a Chrysanthemum. A dark haired teen clumsily trying to get to class on time and the young lady across the room is Lavender while her mother is a graceful White Rose. And yet the young girl sitting on the side of the road in the frigid evening a cigarette lit in her dry lips feels like a Dandelion in someone's lawn more than anything else. Is the girl with the boxing gloves and sweat dripping down the back of her neck Stinging nettle? Or is the 9 year old girl with the long ponytail leaping into the cool lake water more like seaweed? Is the grumpy brunette fitting for pretty chains of daisies that swirl around children's heads? And don't forget the lonely girl in the red shoes who wishes more than anything to be the grass under her own feet.