2022-2023, Poem

I wonder what it would be like to dream

I wonder what it would be like to dream
Madie Phillips, '23

I wonder what it would be like to dream
In the night when everything is quiet
But your mind, invisibly flooded
With the sparks of experience, delusion,
The spirit of which waits patiently
To be reproduced in reality.

At night when everything
Turns to an eerie black, hours pass
Quickly as if they never happened at all.
A warp of time which is extended
By the minds of some, but quickly
Forgotten by others.

Everyone has dreams, of some sort,
But only some have the ability to
Remember those that come
Alive in the night. Those that are as telling
As they are fantastical or frightening.
Only some have the kind of subconscious
Imagination that’s strong enough for that.

I wish I had the ability to dream,
To extend the night, not just let it pass by,
Because it’s not unwanted.
Tell me about your dreams
And I’ll sit there intrigued, wondering
What it would be like to dream.