2015-2016, Poem


Featured in the 2015 Fall Issue of Rambunctious

Muhammad Musaab,' 19

Some see but cannot watch
Some watch but do not observe
Some observe but will not see
They are the ones who are truly blind

Let us praise the Gods for their answers
Let us praise the prophets for their message
Let us praise the followers for their devotion
Let us praise them as sheep praise shepherds
Who herd them when gone astray

Why is it that people refuse change?
Why is it that people invite evil?
Why is it that people can’t accept?

a picture,
a dream,
a vision of what could be.

Before the Floods come we must wash away our sins
Before the Fires rain we must burn away our flaws
Before the Gales roar we must let our minds soar
Before the Earths reap we must keep our sow
For the gates open only to The Welcomed.

When everyday is a present;
Let us not be the Descendants of the good past,
but the Ascendants of a greater future...